Hiking Essentials

Hiking is such a wonderful way to clear your mind and hit refresh. If you’re like me, you’re jumping at any opportunity to get outdoors. The beauty of hiking is the ability to go at your own pace and really get a chance to enjoy the scenery around you. Whether you can walk 1 mile or 12, there’s a hike for every experience level.

River Place Trail, Austin, TX

Bringing the right items will ensure you have the best experience possible. Just like packing for a trip, you don’t want to forget something that would’ve made your hike easier and more enjoyable. It’s also difficult to optimize what’s in your bag—so you have what you need—but don’t overpack. Here are the items I’ve found that really elevate my hiking adventures:

Hiking Backpack

It’s going to make your life a lot easier if you wear a backpack that’s built for physical activity. My favorite brand has always been Camelbak. Their hiking backpacks are equipped with optimal storage compartments and water reservoirs that allow for hands-free hydration. The various pockets and zippers make it a breeze to pack all different sized items.

Don’t forget to give the water reservoir a good cleaning every now and then.

Hiking Boots

Yes, they’re worth it. Hiking boots may not seem like a necessity, but they make the hike so much more comfortable. Spoiler alert: your Nike shoes are not designed anything more than fashion. Hiking boots have the durability and support your feet need when venturing into the great outdoors. They keep your feet protected when exposed to various terrain and weather. Not to mention, they’re great for stepping in mud without giving it a second thought. I invested in a pair of Solomon boots, and highly recommend them to anyone looking to elevate their hiking experience. A bit pricey, yes, but it’s an investment. Make sure to get a pair of thick, hiking socks to go with!

Portable Mat and/or Towel

I think it’s important to always carve out some time in your hike to rest. Not only will you be able to catch your breath, but it’s a great opportunity to really soak up the scenery. Bringing along a towel or mat will ensure you have a nice spot to sit. My holy grail for any outdoor activity is my Monkey Mat (I have the original one). It’s a thin mat that packs up into a bag the size of your palm. I’ve had this thing for over 7 years and it never ceases to come in clutch. It’s so lightweight I even bring it along to music festivals.

If you’re planning on going for a swim, buy yourself a portable, microfiber towel. It takes up virtually no room and is perfect for laying down, drying off, or even keeping the sweat off the car seats on the drive back (a personal struggle for me).

Sun Protection

Kind of an obvious one, right? Even if it’s a mini tube of SPF 30 sunscreen and a hat, that’s ok. Point is, no one likes being sunburned, so it’s best to put in some effort and save yourself the trouble of peeling a week later. My favorite hat is one I snagged from REI that is lightweight and has a foldable brim, making it easy to pack. Lastly, I don’t partake in an outdoor activity without my Maui Jims. They don’t sell the particular model I own anymore, but they have nearly identical ones in their hiking selection. They are so lightweight and do not slip off my nose, no matter how much a sweat.

Just-in-Case Kit

This is the mom in me speaking, but never underestimate those emergency items that could come in handy. On the top of the list would be Advil, bandaids, hand sanitizer and cash (for parks with a fee). Depending on how thorough you’d like to be, you could throw in some moisturizing balm (for lips and skin), deodorant and hair ties. It feels nice to be the prepared one in the friend group. These items take up virtually no room, so there’s no harm in packing them.


It’s a smart idea to eat before heading out on your hike, but chances are, you’ll be hungry an hour into the hike. There’s nothing worse than being “hangry” on a hike when the only way back to civilization is by foot. Plus, you’ll be expending plenty of energy and need some calories to keep your momentum going. My favorite hiking snacks are apples and power bars. Both of them can take a decent beating in your bag and still be in tact. Be careful when packing anything with chocolate (like trail mixes) as it will melt and make a mess in warm conditions. I know that from experience…


A small, portable speaker can add a lot of fun energy to your outdoor excursion. There’s nothing better than putting on some tunes while enjoying quality time with your friends (or solo, of course). Just be aware of your surroundings. Not every hiker will want to hear your music, so keep the volume at an appropriate level when around others. And for the love of God, save the rap music for another time.

River Place Trail, Austin, TX

Lace Up Your Hiking Boots

And you’re off! These items are all easily attainable with a little online shopping, and will be worth your time and money spent. Once I started packing and utilizing these things, I began to question why I hadn’t done so sooner. It really improves the adventure when you are well-equipped. Let me know what you don’t leave the house without in the comments below. Happy hiking!

About the Blog

Hi, I'm Jess. Inspiration behind my blog comes from traveling as a young professional. Whether for work or leisure, I always want to make the most out of my trips. My blog gives you the resources you need to see the world while still maintaining your regular 9 to 5 job. Just pack a bag and I've got the rest!

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  1. 5.21.20
    Amy Zurkan said:

    Love these hiking ideas! Hiking gives you such a sense of peace!

    • 5.21.20
      Jess said:

      Love me some good ol’ fresh air 🙂

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